Monday, November 16, 2009

Quick Hits From the NFL

What was Bill Belichick thinking? My gut reaction is that he wasn't thinking at all. Going for it on 4th and 2 from your own 28 with a six point lead and less than 2 minutes left seems crazy. Add to that the fact that the Colts had no timeouts left and a 70 yard drive seems even less possible. After thinking about it, however, you can see where he was coming from. The Colts previous 2 possessions were longer than 70 yards and took less than 2 minutes. Belichick clearly had more confidence in his offense gaining 2 yards than in his defense stopping Peyton Manning. I still would have kicked it away, but I can see where he is coming from.

At what point can we give up on Tony Romo. He clearly is not a top level NFL Quarterback. Time after time he fools everyone into thinking he has taken the next step and then he comes back to Earth. The Cowboys have not won a playoff game in over a decade and I don't think Romo changes that. He is simply too careless with the football and way too laid back to be an effective leader.

The Cincinnati Bengals have now swept their season series with both the Pittsburgh Steelers and Baltimore Ravens. The offense is firing on all cylinders, but the defense has been the key. Both corners are plating shutdown defense, allowing Mike Zimmer to be his aggressive in his scheme. Credit linebackers Keith Rivers and Rey Maualuga with bringing a hard nosed attitude and giving the whole defensive unit their swagger. They have to be considered one of the top teams in the AFC.

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